The other day our newborn son, M and I were in the street outside our apartment block preparing for a nice walk. It seemed, however, as if M wasn’t quite ready to go and he explained this to me by going very red and shouting like fuck. I picked him … Read the rest >>>
Best Pushchair to Push While Carrying the Supposed Occupant
You know the drill. Push the pushchair and carry the kid. What’s the point? Well you can store stuff in the pushchair while you’re carrying the kid. What stuff? Well, stuff that you’ll need because you’re venturing further afield than is safe for a quick nip back home to change … Read the rest >>>
Paternity Leave (no. 2) Day 7
Today we went to buy a pram. That should read, another pram. Our spare room (warehouse) now resembles a closing down sale at Mothercare. Shabby miniature wheeled vehicles stand around redundantish as S walks mostly everywhere now. The new pram, which is actually second hand, fits right in with the … Read the rest >>>